



FANEKA is a band based between Catalunya and Madrid (Spain). Their music has often been labelled as "magical folk". Genres they explore go mostly from North and Latin American folk to psychedelic rock and Iberian folklore. Reminiscences of and traditional Spanish folkore meet indie rock in dreamy soundscapes provided by FANEKA´s unique combination of string instruments, percussion, guitar and vocals. FANEKA started in 2016 with Inés (guitar) and Bruna (cello) started playing together after they were introduced by a common friend. A self-produced LP brought them together with Anika on violin () and Miriam on cajón (), later replaced by Alan Denis on drums ( y Los Locos Descalzos). Another independent release followed in 2019 with . During the pandemic, the band worked with producer Gonzalo Lasheras (, Jorge Drexler) to release their second album in March 2022: . With the release of , the band signed with label Metales Preciosos (Madrid, Spain). 2024 begins with 3 singles of a new album that will be released in spring, with which they promise to define their definitive style... and it will not leave anyone indifferent.